Create Your Intuition Ignited Plan for the New Year!

Lynn Nicholls


You may have heard or read the quote, “Before I agree to the new year, I want to see the terms and conditions”. If you want the new year to be a new and improved year, your intuition can create an amazing plan based on your particular terms and conditions. All you have to do is ask.

Asking questions of your intuition is a simple task. Follow these guidelines to get a reliable answer:

  • Ask questions when you are calm and have a clear mind. It is up to you how you achieve this: meditation, an app, a drive or walk. Your emotions will impede your ability to receive a true intuitive message. Being overjoyed will impact your answer just as much as being upset. Neutral is key.
  • You will get useful answers when you make your question about you. For example, “Why is my mother so toxic and mean to me?” can be reworded to, “What can I do to improve my mental health with regards to my mother?”
  • Focus on one topic in your question. You can ask about another topic in another question at another time. Mixing up topics leads to mixed up answers.
  • Questions should be open-ended. They should not be able to be answered with a “yes” or a “no”.
  • Ask. “small, simple steps” questions rather than “giant leap” questions. It is for this reason that the question, “What is my life purpose?” has been left out. Some of these question suggestions below will take you on a path that may open up to your answer to that question.
  • Use single-meaning words and phrases. Double meanings and colloquialisms can confuse your intuition. In the question, “How can I be chill about <this situation>?”, chill means relaxed/calm. Your intuition may interpret this as a cool temperature and you will not get an answer because it does not make sense to your intuitive mind.
  • Relative terms can also cause trouble because your intuition will not know how to define them. Some examples of words to stay away from are: soon, nice, fine, short/tall, big/little, rich, some. Also avoid words and phrases similar to really, kind of and sort of.
  • Phrase questions in a positive manner. Instead of asking, “How can I keep from becoming upset in <this situation>?”, ask “How can I stay calm in <this situation>?”
  • Be detached from the outcome of your question. When you want a particular outcome, your intuition will be influenced by what you wish would happen. Be open to receiving whatever your intuition tells you. If there are things you do not want to hear, that will block you from hearing your true answer.

Once you have factored in the above guidelines; ask your question in your mind, out loud or write it down. Allow all thoughts, images, words, feelings and physical sensations. Allow everything. Do not censor or judge anything.

An effective practice to get into is journaling. Write down all of your questions and answers. Some answers may not be clear at the time but may make sense in the future.

Intuitive thoughts are subtle and without emotion. If emotion comes with a thought, it is not your intuition. That is your conscious mind. Reset your mind to neutral and ask again. You may want to ask your question another time if being neutral is a struggle.

Do not get frustrated if your answer is not clear; feels incomplete; or does not make sense. Make a note of this. This may happen because you may need to reword your question or your mind was not clear. Revisit the guidelines.

If there is no information or guidance coming through, tell yourself that you will get the answer within 48 hours. During that time, notice what you notice. What are you paying attention to a little longer than normal? Your answer may come to you in a different form than you expected: through something you hear in conversation; hear on the radio; see on television. Your answer could also be on a personalized licence plate, billboard, magazine, or on the internet. Don’t go searching for your answer. Allow it to show up. You will know it when you see it.

If nothing continues to show up, it’s possible that you are not meant to know the answer at this time. When you connect to your answer, it will feel “right”. You may not like it but you will feel a knowing or a peace with it.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Time to begin! You are not limited to the questions below. Ask any question that you want insight about. If none of the questions feel right, ask your intuition, “What question should I ask?”

  • What makes me happy?
  • What are my unique talents?
  • What qualities do others believe me to have?
  • What kind of world do I want to create for myself?
  • What am I here to learn?
  • What next steps should I take to further my life’s purpose? (not asking for your life purpose)
  • How can I create peace in my life?
  • How can I make money?
  • What, if anything, is stopping me from achieving my goals?
  • Why do I feel stuck? Confused? Blocked?
  • What will I achieve? Today? This month? This year?
  • What would I enjoy doing for work?
  • What do I need to know for my highest good?

For the following questions, fill in the blank with a situation, job, relationship, family, person, etc. For example, “How can I improve my relationship with my son?”

  • What is my purpose in ______?
  • What can I contribute to ______?
  • What am I learning about myself in _______?
  • What do I need to know about _______?
  • What is the best action to take regarding _______?
  • What next actions can I take that will lead me in the right direction?
  • What am I missing (or not seeing about) _____?
  • How can I improve _____?
  • Who can I talk with that will help me with ______?

When you have your answer, contemplate and complete this statement: “I’m afraid of this because….”or “I can’t do this because….”. Write it down.

This statement will access your limiting belief(s). A limiting belief is a belief you have about yourself that is holding you back. This belief was most likely given to you by someone else: parent, teacher, spouse.

Rephrase your limiting belief in a positive manner and trust that the new statement is the truth. You may need to repeat it or write it down and read it often. For example, if your limiting belief is, “I can’t do this because I’m not smart.” Change it to, “I can do this because I am smart and have the right skills. I have people that can help me and resources I can use.”

If your question was action oriented, such as, “What should I do about _____?”, you are now in charge of if and how it moves forward. Your intuitive plan can only be successful when you take action. Complete a small action step and the next steps will appear. If you need to access your intuition for follow-up steps, repeat the asking process.

Make this year an exceptional year created for you by you. When you harness the power of your intuition, your moments will be filled with clarity, potential and fulfillment.



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